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What You Need To Know To Choose A Diamond With Confidence

Most people are unaware of the role diamonds play in bringing real benefits to people in the countries around the world where diamonds are sourced. Nowhere is this more evident than in Africa. It is also in Africa that
this same resource has been used to fund conflict. In 2000, a coalition of governments, non-governmental organizations and the diamond industry worked together to address this issue. In 2002, they established the Kimberley Process Certification System, a UN-backed process that has virtually eliminated the trade in conflict diamonds. Today, over 99% of the world's supply of diamonds is from sources free of conflict. is dedicated to presenting the facts about conflict diamonds, along with how diamonds are driving economic growth and prosperity in countries around the world. Please, Learn more about buying diamonds from sources free from conflict, and about the important role diamonds play in many developing economies. Download More Information.

Fact #1: An estimated 5 million people have access to appropriate healthcare globally thanks to revenues from diamonds.

Fact #2: Conflict diamonds have been reduced from approximately 4% to considerably less than 1% since the implementation of the Kimberley Process in 2003.

Fact #3: An estimated 10 million people globally are directly or indirectly supported by the diamond industry.

Fact #4: The diamond mining industry generates over 40% of Namibia's annual export earnings.

Fact #5: Diamond revenues enable every child in Botswana to receive free education up to the age of 13.

Fact #6: In July 2000, the global diamond industry announced its zero-tolerance policy towards conflict diamonds and continues to drive this policy.

Fact #7: Sierra Leone is now at peace and exported approximately $142 million diamonds in 2005.

Fact #8: Approximately one million people are employed by the diamond industry in India.

Fact #9: Approximately $8.4 billion worth of diamonds a year come from African countries.

Fact #10: More than 99% of diamonds are now from conflict free sources and traded under the UN-mandated Kimberley Process.

Fact #11: The Diamond Development Initiative was established to improve the working conditions of artisanal miners.

Fact #12: The revenue from diamonds is instrumental in the fight against the HIV/AIDS pandemic.

Fact #13: Under the Kimberley Process, rough diamonds can only be exported and imported when accompanied by a certificate from the exporting country.

Fact #14: The charity Jewelers for Children funds a community based care program for orphaned children in South Africa.

Fact #15: An estimated 65% of the world's diamonds come from African countries.

Fact #16: Today, 71 governments and the legitimate diamond industry are all committed and legally bound to eradicating conflict diamonds.

Fact #17: The diamond industry has introduced a system to help give greater assurances to retailers and to provide consumers with the reassurance that their diamond is from a conflict free source.

Fact #18: Diamonds account for 33% of the GDP (approximately $3 billion) of Botswana. Since diamonds were discovered in Botswana, GDP annual growth rate has averaged 7%.
Fact #19: Major world leaders - including Nelson Mandela - have cited the importance of diamonds to the lives of African people.

Fact #20: It is estimated that one million people work in the informal (astisanal) alluvial diamond digging sector.

Fact #21: Some diamond producing countries are not Kimberley Process compliant.

Fact #22: In November, 2006, 71 Governments, leading NGOs, and the World Diamond Council agreed on measures to further strengthen the Kimberley Process.

Fact #23: At the 2006 Kimberley Process Plenary, the industry committed funds and resources to address challenges faced by countries with a high prevalence of artisanal alluvial mining.


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